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adult Speaking

Conference Speaking

Role of Religion in Society exposes common fallacies about religion in our culture.  As popular misconceptions are illuminated and lovingly debunked, Dr. Murphy challenges all people to critically examine the values their lives revolve around, whether they deem themselves religious, or not.  


Spirituality of Communion explores theology in a sense-making, life-transforming way by applying a sacramental worldview to daily life, inviting people to view their communities through this spiritual lens of joyful gratitude.  


From Agnostic, to Baptist, to Catholic: The A, B, Cs of Conversion recounts Ian’s testimonial of conversion to Catholicism.  

Know Why You Believe: The Evidence for the Resurrection of Christ presents apologetics that challenge nonbelievers to consider faith, strengthen the faithful, and personally impacted Dr. Murphy’s own conversion out of agnostic doubts. 

Parish Missions

Dying to Oneself is a Lenten spiritual enrichment series that takes place across 6 sessions.  Filled with comedy, personal anecdotes, and an engaging speaking style that makes the theology of the mystics accessible to everyone.


Renew and Rejoice is a training series for catechists to prepare them in both mind and heart to teach for the Church. The 5 sessions work as a spiritual instrument for personal revival, based on the call for interior renewal in the New Evangelization.  

Television & Radio

Encountering Jesus is an apologetics presentation about the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.  Facing common Protestant objections to the doctrine of transubstantiation, Ian gently yet uncompromisingly defends this awesome mystery.  


Making Sense of Advent is a 4-part series designed to awaken excitement in the first and second comings of Jesus to the world, kindling a deeper awareness of the beauty of incarnational theology.  This series is good for Protestants and Catholics alike.

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Ian as MarcUs Grodi's guest on
the Journey Home program on EWTN
Parish Missions
Conference Speaking
Televison & Radio


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